Innie Belly Button vs. Outie Belly Button: Causes & MoreWhat causes an Innie or Outie Belly Button? While a belly button is not as unique as its footprint, there is still there. The first distinction is generally whether the belly button is an innie or outie. Innie's belly buttons are like a little tooth in the stomach. The belly buttons look like a knot. Is your innie or outie belly the result of a specific cause or opportunity? Keep reading to learn more about how you have the shape of the belly button you did, and what you can do if you don't like it. Your belly buttons are a reminder of the place that once connected your mother through the umbilical cord. When you are born, the umbilical cord is cut and there is a small piece called "tump" umbilical. One to two weeks after birth, this chest falls and what's left is your belly buttons. As a result, your belly button is essentially a scar. If it is an innie or an outie it depends on how your skin grows while healthy. The way your belly buttons look is mostly by chance. You can't blame your doctor or your parents for how your belly button was formed Let's have some clear things: Your belly button is NOT: It has nothing to do with your weight or size of your stomach The way your belly buttons are seen is mostly by chance. It has nothing to do with the size of your stomach or your weight. A person who is overweight may have a very small belly button, and a person who is underweight may have a larger belly button. However, a person with obesity is more likely to have a , which may appear as a deep belly button that resembles an open mouth. Some people may not have a belly button This is another fun fact: Some people. This is usually because they were born with a condition that affected the umbilical cord. bladder extrophy, gastroschisis, omphalocele, or cloaca extrophy. Most of these conditions cause the intestines to form or protrude outside the abdominal wall, so the umbilical cord does not fall and creates the traditional scarring that results in a belly button. Innie's belly buttons are much more common than outies. But most of the time, the formation of the outie is simply the luck of the draw. Although there are some exceptions. Babies with certain medical conditions that affect the belly button are more likely to be outies. Certain medical conditions can cause an outgoing hernia belly button An example is a , where abdominal muscles around the belly button do not grow as they should. The effect creates a weakness in the baby's abdominal wall, which can cause the intestines to come out through the abdominal wall and push the belly button. Although the condition is not painful for a baby, it can cause complications later in life, so doctors usually repair it surgically. Umbilical granuloma Another example is a . This is when the extra tissue forms around the button of the belly. It puts extra pressure on the belly button, which can cause it to become an outie. Doctors generally treat this with topical applications to remove excess skin. Adults can also get umbilical granulomas, especially after belly button perforations. There are some medical conditions that can affect the appearance of the navel as an adult. Often they are due to the underlying conditions that put extra pressure on the belly button and make it change from an innie to an outie in appearance. These include:Usually, when the condition is resolved, the belly button will become an inniete again. The appearance of your navel does not affect your health. But there are many people who have chosen surgical correction after abdominal surgery or because they did not like the appearance of their navel. Doctors call surgery to reconstruct or adjust the appearance of a belly button one. This procedure can be done as part of other cosmetic procedures, such as a . About the procedure When surgeons perform a umbilicoplasty, they can usually do the procedure under local anesthesia. This means they use medications to numb around the navel to not feel what they are doing. They will make several small incisions and sew them together in key areas to create a new belly button. Because an umbilicoplasty is a fairly minor procedure, there is not much inactivity time for recovery or long-lasting side effects. Some potential complications include infection or tissue death if the blood flow to the skin is affected. There is also the risk that you may not like the way incisions heal. Belly's buttons are essentially an anatomical wild. They're a squandered area on the abdominal wall where your umbilical cord was once. Having an innie or an outie means nothing to your health. However, if you do not like the appearance of your navel, or you do not have one because of past surgery or a child medical condition, you can talk to a plastic surgeon about a umbilicoplasty. Last medical review on August 3, 2020Read this following
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